Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director
Japanese, Male, Aged 55

Mr Makoto Takahashi holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of San Francisco. He has working experience with a Japanese logistics company in Kobe, Japan and a trading company in Hong Kong. He joined ILB in 1998 as General Manager of Sales & Marketing and was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director on 17 September 2001. He was re-designated to Chief Executive Officer on 1 January 2023.

Mr Makoto has a direct interest of 14,303,990 ordinary shares in the Company.He does not hold any other directorships of public companies and does not have any family relationship with any other Director and/or major shareholder of the Company.

Mr Makoto attended all eight Board Meetings held during Financial Year Ended 31December 2022.


None of the Group’s Management:

  1. Holds any directorships of other public companies.
  2. Have any family relationship with any director &/or major shareholder of the Company, apart from Tee Jia Jie, who is the son of Mr. Tee Tuan Sem, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Company.
  3. Have entered into any transaction, whether directly or indirectly, which has a conflict of interest with the Company.
  4. Have any convictions for any offences and public sanctions & penalties imposed by any regulatory bodies other than traffic offences within past five years.