Chief Executive Officer
Executive Director
Japanese, Male, Aged 55
Mr Makoto Takahashi holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of San Francisco. He has working experience with a Japanese logistics company in Kobe, Japan and a trading company in Hong Kong. He joined ILB in 1998 as General Manager of Sales & Marketing and was appointed to the Board as an Executive Director on 17 September 2001. He was re-designated to Chief Executive Officer on 1 January 2023.
Mr Makoto has a direct interest of 14,303,990 ordinary shares in the Company.He does not hold any other directorships of public companies and does not have any family relationship with any other Director and/or major shareholder of the Company.
Mr Makoto attended all eight Board Meetings held during Financial Year Ended 31December 2022.
None of the Group’s Management:
- Holds any directorships of other public companies.
- Have any family relationship with any director &/or major shareholder of the Company, apart from Tee Jia Jie, who is the son of Mr. Tee Tuan Sem, the Executive Vice Chairman of the Company.
- Have entered into any transaction, whether directly or indirectly, which has a conflict of interest with the Company.
- Have any convictions for any offences and public sanctions & penalties imposed by any regulatory bodies other than traffic offences within past five years.